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It is important to know how to adjust your air conditioner for comfort and to optimize your energy consumption. To do this, you should consider a few tips.

1. Know your air conditioner

In order to regulate your air conditioner as efficiently as possible, you need to understand how it works. Once the air conditioner is set to the desired temperature, the system will begin to reach it. When the required temperature is reached, the air conditioner will automatically turn off, and when the temperature changes, it will turn on again.

2. Choose an air-to-air air conditioner/heat pump

This solution is ideal if you are looking for a system for the summer that also works in the winter.

Using an air-to-air air conditioner/heat pump can save up to 30 % of energy. Refrigerant allows the air conditioning system to exchange heat between the inside and outside of your home.

In this case, it has a special valve that allows you to change the cycle and generate heat or let coolness into your home.

3. Close the doors and windows

If you want to optimize the use of air conditioning, it is important to adjust the environment for comfort and to reduce energy costs.

Remember to close exterior doors and windows to keep the coolness inside. If you want to cool one particular room first, remember to close it.

4. Do not install the air conditioner too high

The air conditioner does not need to be installed very high to achieve the desired temperature.

This will not speed up the process, it will only increase household energy bills.

It is recommended to maintain a difference of 7-9 degrees between outdoor and indoor temperature.

5. Set the "sleep function" at night

There are special "sleep modes" that allow you to reduce the range to 5 degrees and limit the ventilation to reduce the noise level.

6. Take care of your device to make it last longer

Regular maintenance of your device will extend its useful life.

You will also avoid possible breakdowns and reduce your energy bills.